社團資訊系統已於113年6月3日(星期一)下午6時啟動新學期(113學年度第一學期)社團登記,請各社團務必注意社團登記新制 Club Registration Information for Semester 113-1




The Club Information System commenced the registration for clubs for the new semester (Semester 113-1 of the academic year 113) on Monday, June 3rd, Year 113, at 06:00 PM. All clubs are reminded to pay attention to the new club registration system.
Instructions for Semester 112-2 Club Registration:
1.Starting from Semester 112-2, to simplify the administrative process, club administrative registration will be done through uploading forms online instead of submitting paper forms.
(★ Online Club Administrative Registration Form for Semester 113-: Link to the form)
2.All clubs are required to upload the basic information card for Semester 112-2, not only those clubs undergoing presidential elections.
3.If the club undergoes presidential elections annually, a "Club Election Handover Record Form" must also be uploaded.
4.Detailed steps of the registration process are as follows:
  a.Clubs are required to complete the basic information card via the Club Activity Information System.
  b.For clubs with annual presidential elections (held during Semester 113-1), a Club Election Handover Record Form must be prepared.
    Otherwise, this form is not required.
  c.Email the aforementioned documents to the advisor for approval and await confirmation via email from the advisor.
  d.Upload the basic information card, advisor's approval, and the Club Election Handover Record Form to the online form for review.
5.According to the Regulations of the Student Autonomous Organization and Student Club Guidance of National Taiwan University, all clubs should complete the club registration for each semester during the week prior to the commencement of the semester. Failure to do so may result in the Office of Extracurricular Activities and other relevant units ceasing to process the club's activity applications, lending of school venues and equipment, and other administrative support requests. Clubs that fail to complete club registration for four consecutive semesters will be automatically disbanded. Disbanded clubs wishing to re-establish must submit a separate re-establishment application.
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